Audio Manager Fallback commando is now internally available for use in Commando scheme’s
Full GML Support
In addition to the existing GML HTTP support, Realtime Info .XML’s are supported again too, check your Cloud Advanced Settings to make your configuration up-to-date
Apps (46 updates)
GML HTTP support upgrade
GML Realtime .XML support
Parallel Playout connection management
✨ Splash screen
New More tray
Rack improvements for scheduling info
Rack button scroll fix
Output player performance improvements and better 9:16 support
vMix input-sync memory leak fix
Output Player auto-sync fixes
Cloud (45 updates)
Change usernames
Huge speed improvements with better performing Studio Data
Switching studio’s takes < 100 ms (240% improvement)
Studio state stays realtime while switching studio’s
Server Core Active state realtime
Server Client interactions overhauled